Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

About a month ago I visited my grandma Shirley Hubbard in Elm Creek.  She told me she wanted to show me some old hankies that were my great grandma Moles.  She shared with me she would like to give each grand child one for their wedding day!  This sparked the idea that I want my something old, borrowed and blue from my grandparents.  They have all been such a big part of my life and I wanted nothing more to have something from them be with me on the biggest day of my life so far!  I asked my grandma Glenda Schmitz and great grandma Thelma Fellows if they could help me out with my something borrowed and blue.  I went to see my grandma Schmitz today and she shared with me that she would like me to wear a necklace for my something borrowed.  This necklace was my great great grandma necklace that she received when she got engaged.  It is over 100 years old!  It is very pretty! It is gold with 2 ruby's.  So that leaves my something blue for my great grandma Fellows to come up with!  I cant wait to see what she finds for me to use for my something blue :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wedding Dress Shopping!

This past Saturday we (Me, my Mom, Grandma Schmitz, Michaela and Whitney) ventured to Lincoln to go dress shopping!  We had a blast!  We started at Aurora, a small locally owned dress shop.  They had a lot of very pretty dresses.  I found one dress that I REALLY love!  But I wasn't just going to buy the first dress I liked!  After Aurora we hit the road for Lincoln.  First we stopped at Arby's for lunch in York.  I have no idea what brought up our lunch conversatoin but I am pretty sure it was Whitney.  For those of you that don't know my little sister Whitney, she is the most random person EVER!  And I mean that in a nice very funny way.  Some how the topic of when we were little and the Little Mermaid came up.  Whitney says, "remember when we were little and you two (meaning me and Michaela) would sing like Ariel?"  I said, "yeah and we would swim like her int he bathtub and we would soap our hair up into up do's"  Michaela, "and we would put soap on our boobs for swim suit tops"  (Please keep in mind we were very young)  We were all laughing sooooo hard we were crying,  the people next to us just kept staring like are they going to be ok?  It was great to laugh like that.  As soon as we get in the car I YouTube from my phone the Little Mermaid to listen to the song A Whole New World, that would be Whitney's favorite song from that movie when we were younger.  We tried to video her singing "just like Ariel" but that didn't work.  So from lunch in York at Arby's we went on to Lincoln.  We made 3 stops, Davids Bridal, the Bridal Outlet and J'Maries.  I tried on so many dresses I thought I was going to pass out!  There were sooooo many beautiful dresses!  Out of all the dresses I tried on in Lincoln I found one that I loved!  It was the 2nd or 3 dress I tried on at the first store we went to in Lincoln (David's Bridal).  So at the end of our dress shopping I have now found 2 dresses that I am madly in love with.  I still want to go shopping in Kearney and Loomis.  I know in Loomis there are 2 dresses I really want to see on. 
So there is one more story of our big day wedding dress shopping!  We went to the Bridal Outlet.  They had a couple very pretty dresses.  The had quite the variety let me tell you!  Anything from 1980-2011.  This was the 3 dress store of the day and I was gettting tired of trying on dresses.  So Michaela and I found this dress, it was a style literally from the 1980's.  Really it was a pretty dress, just not my style.  And I figured most people that really know me would know-that really isnt her dress.  But anyway- I had to put it on for a good laugh.  Michaela and I snuck it into the fitting room, as she was helping me put it on we were both laughing so hard I though we were going to break the dress.  We were out of control!  We finally got the dress on and Michaela steps out of the fitting room and says in the most serious tone, "This is it! This is THE DRESS"  Everyone gathers around and I walk out.  I could not keep a streight face at all, we both burst out laughing.  It was classic!  It took a little bit for everyone to catch on but in the end we all got a really good laugh out of the dress and we even got a few laughs out of the staff at the store.  It was great!  My great-aunt Gretchen called us as we left the Bridal Outlet (after I posted the pic on facebook) and said "It looks like she could just wear my dress from my wedding"  Which, yes if I did love that style I could have just borrowed her dress, after all she was married in the 1980's.  So some of you may not have seen the picture, dont worry I will post one on here too!  But it has long lace sleeves, that come to a point almost like they should have a loop hole for your finger.  It was mostly lace and silk, with a huge bow on the back and the biggest shoulder's I have ever seen! 
I hope everyone else gets a kick out of our dress shopping experience!  We had a blast and I am glad I had some of the most important women in my life with me to help find the one! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Guest Book

Thanks for visiting our blog!  Come back again soon!! Any words of encouragement would be great! (For our marriage or the planning process)

Guest Information

Please feel free to leave your mailing address and contact information!  Or you can find us on Facebook!


We haven't registered anywhere; we will wait awhile for that :)

Wedding Party


Michaela Hubbard- Sister of the bride.  Michaela lives in Elm Creek and has a son, Jaxyn who is 2 years old.  Michaela and I have had the typical sister/sister relationship!  As we get older we definitely cherish each other more and more everyday and have become best friends!  I am excited she will be helping us celebrate our big day as a bridesmaid in our wedding! Thank you Michaela, I love you very much!

Whitney Hubbard- Sister of the bride.  Whitney is a junior in high school.  She is very athletic and very smart.  When she was younger she always tried to be my “mini-me”.  I am not sure she still wants to be my “mini-me” but she is my little sister, my best friend, and a bridesmaid in our wedding!  Thank you Whitney, I love you very much!

Tara Kral- Sister of the groom.  Tara is 24 years old and recently graduated from UNMC and is a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital.  Tara and I have always been friends from the day we met.  I am very lucky to be gaining a sister-in-law that I already get along with so well!  Thank you for being part of our wedding!  I love you already like a sister!

Casey Hemmingsen- Friend of the couple.  Casey has been my best friend since the 4th grade.  We were cheerleaders together and both attended UNK.  Casey is currently working on her Masters Degree in Aviation.  Casey is more like a sister than a best friend.  She has always been there for me and for us as a couple.  One of our favorite pastimes in the summer is tanking down the river!  I love you to the moon and back!  Thank you for being in our wedding!  It wouldn’t be the same without you!

Holly Davenport- Friend of the couple.  Holly has been my best friend since the 2th grade.  In good times and bad, she has always been there for me, as I have for her.  Holly is also like a sister to me, life would not be the same without you!  You have the best personality and if you ever need a laugh you can always count on Holly!  We also cruise down the river together in the tank!  Sometimes we get caught up in a tree and sometimes we surf down the Platte on broken garage doors!  You are going to add a huge spark to our day, thank you so much for being a part of it! I love you!!

Amanda Harvey- Friend of the couple.  Last but definitely not least is Amanda Harvey.  Amanda and I became friends in college.  Once we met we were inseparable.   You have always been that person that I can talk to about anything, and I mean anything.  I love you and your family so much!! Paetyn and Avery are such beautiful little girls and I cannot wait to help you plan their big day!  Thank you in advance for helping me with ummmm-EVERYTHING!  You are so creative and you know I will need your help with planning this wedding! Thank you for being a part of our wedding!  I love you!!

Flower Girl
To Be Announced

Ring Bearer
Jaxyn Myers-  my 2 year old nephew.  I love him to death!  Actually I think I love him more than that!  He has quite the personality for a two year old.  He loves loves loves John Deere tractors (just like uncle Jared), the Grinch, and the newest- boxing, specifically ROCKEY!  He also likes to snuggle with uncle Jared to make his favorite aunt Ashley mad.  He is quite the tease!  I can’t wait to see what he comes up with walking down the aisle.  For example the slow motion run?  I guess we will all have to wait and see!  I love you Jaxyn Lee!

Wyatt Hubbard- Brother of the bride.  Wyatt is in the 5th grade and loves basketball.  Ever since Wyatt was born we were best friends!  I loved to take him with me to the pool in the summer.  He always does his best to “protect” his big sisters.  When Jared and I started dating he would walk up to Jared, pound his fists together and say “if you ever hurt my sister I’m gonna beat you up!”  He was 5 years old then.  Thanks for being a great brother Wyatt!  I love you! Thanks for being in our wedding! 

Other groomsmen- to be announced. 


We have not decided on a reception hall yet.  Any suggestions would be wonderful!  We will keep you updated as our search continues!