Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

About a month ago I visited my grandma Shirley Hubbard in Elm Creek.  She told me she wanted to show me some old hankies that were my great grandma Moles.  She shared with me she would like to give each grand child one for their wedding day!  This sparked the idea that I want my something old, borrowed and blue from my grandparents.  They have all been such a big part of my life and I wanted nothing more to have something from them be with me on the biggest day of my life so far!  I asked my grandma Glenda Schmitz and great grandma Thelma Fellows if they could help me out with my something borrowed and blue.  I went to see my grandma Schmitz today and she shared with me that she would like me to wear a necklace for my something borrowed.  This necklace was my great great grandma necklace that she received when she got engaged.  It is over 100 years old!  It is very pretty! It is gold with 2 ruby's.  So that leaves my something blue for my great grandma Fellows to come up with!  I cant wait to see what she finds for me to use for my something blue :)

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